

Basic Female Checkup


Reservation Deposit: HK$200/each

Basic Female Checkup

  • Pap Smear 
  • Ultrasound of Pelvis
  • Conducted by a female doctor / Medical staff

Check up Location:

Check Up Date :

2/5, 7/5, 8/5, 9/5, 10/5,

14/5, 16/5, 17/5,

21/5, 22/5, 23/5, 24/5,

28/5, 29/5, 30/5, 31/5

Check Up  Date:

3/5, 6/5, 13/5, 20/5, 27/5, 31/5


1. Add HK$199 for a Health check package.

Please state “add HK$199 check-up” in the additional information column when checking out.

2. Add $900 for a Breast Ultrasound (both sides)

Please state “add $900 for breast ultrasound” in the additional information column when checking out.

3. Add HK$1000 to upgrade to a Whole Abdomen Ultrasound.

Please state “upgrade $880 for a whole abdomen ultrasound” in the additional information column when checking out.

Early detection gives you the best chance of getting the right treatment quickly, avoiding any complications. By getting the correct health services, screenings, and treatment you are taking important steps toward living a longer, healthier life. Your age, health and family history, lifestyle choices (i.e. what you eat, how active you are, whether you smoke), and other important factors impact what and how often you need healthcare.

Why do you need this checkup?

Female medical health checkups can prevent cancer. According to WHO, Breast cancer is the number one killer among other cancers for women, just 2018 the number of deaths is 626, 679 worldwide. Ovary and Cervical related cancers also ranked in the top 10 most fatal cancers, killing 184, 799 and 311, 365 people respectively. It is crucial to conduct regular female check ups to prevent cancers and other illnesses.

Booking Procedure

For more details on the program, please click check-up items.

For more details on the program, please click check item.

Basic Female Check Up

Pap Smear
Ultrasound of Pelvis

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