

Children Health Check


Reservation Deposit: HK$200

Suitable for ages 5 or above

Children Health Check

Price: HK$4,800

Suitable for aged 5 or above

Children Health Check

Special Promo

Add HK$199 for a Health check package (48 items).

Please state “add HK$199 check-up” in the additional information column when checking out.



The Hong Kong Allergy Association

Total IgE

Total IgE

Food Allergens

1. 蛋白 Egg White
2. 蛋黃 Egg Yolk
3. 牛奶 Cow’s Milk
4. 小麥粉 Wheat Flour
5. 稻米 Rice
6. 芝麻 Sesame
7. 黃豆 Soy bean
8. 花生 Peanut
9. 榛子 Hazelnut
10. 熟牛肉 Beef, cooked
11. 熟豬肉 Pork, cooked
12. 雞肉 Chicken
13. 貝殼類1 (龍蝦,蠔,蚌) Shellfish Mix 1 (Spiny Lobster, Oyster, Clam)
14. 魚類1 (鱈魚,鯡魚,鯖魚,歐鰈) Fish Mix 1 (Codfish, Herring, Mackerel and Plaice)
15. 蟹 Crab
16. 蝦 Shrimp / Prawn
17. 龍蝦 Lobster
18. 青蟹 Blue Crab
19. 朱古力 Chocolate
20. 味精 Glutamate

Environmental Allergens

21. 樹木類1 (白千層,槐樹,桉樹,柳樹) Tree Mix 1 (Willow, Eucalyptus, Acacia, Melaleuca)
22. 乳膠 Latex
23. 槐樹 Acacia
24. 油棕 Oil Palm
25. 草類5 (黃花草,狗牙草,梯牧草,黑麥) Grass Mix 5 (Sweet Vernal Grass, Bermuda, Timothy Grass and Cultivated Rye)
26. 塵蟎類1 (堅塵蟎類、粉塵蟎類) House Dust Mite Mix 1 (Der. Pteronyssinus, Der. Farinae)
27. 德國蟑螂 Cockroach, German
28. 木棉 Kapok
29. 貓毛皮屑 Cat Dander
30. 狗毛皮屑 Dog Dander
31. 鳥類2 (虎皮鸚鵡皮屑,金絲雀皮屑,鸚鵡皮屑,琴鳥皮屑,芬奇皮屑)
Cage Bird Mix 2 (Budgerigar-, Canary-, Parrot-, Lorebird-, and Finch Feathers)
32. 天竺鼠皮屑 Guinea Pig dander
33. 老鼠皮屑 Mouse dander
34. 兔皮屑 Rabbit dander
35. 倉鼠皮屑 Hamster dander
36. 霉菌類1 (點青霉菌屬、芽枝孢霉、曲霉菌屬、交鍵孢屬) Mould Mix 1 (Penicillium notatum, Cladosporium herbarum, Aspergillus fumigatus and Alternaria Alternata)
37. 霉菌類2 (青霉菌、短密青霉、類地青霉) Mould Mix 2 (Penicillium notatum, P. brevicompactum and P. roqueforti)
38. 白色念珠菌 Candida Albicans
39. 出芽短梗霉菌 Aureobasidium pullulans
40. 刺枝彎孢 Curvularia specifera

Food Intolerance Test (108 Items)

For details, please look at "Description".
Vegetables (22)
Fruits (17)
Meat (5)
Seafood & Fish (10)
Mushrooms (2)
Herbs & Spices (13)
Nuts & Seeds (11)
Legumes (5)
Grains (11)
Dairy & Egg (8)
Miscellaneous (6)

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