

Male Fertility Test


Reservation Deposit: HK$200/Person

Male Fertility Test

Hormone imbalance can adversely affect a man’s reproductive system and overall health, even after puberty. If you are planning to have a child, it is better to conduct a test.

What should you do before the test? 

  1. Avoid all sexual activity (no sex, no ejaculation, and no masturbation) for at least 2-3 days before the test.
  2. However, sexual activity should not be avoided for more than a week also as it may lead to less active sperms.
  3. No smoking and drinking for 7-10 days before sperm collection.
  4. Do not use any lubricant including saliva during semen collection because many lubricants are toxic to sperm.
  5. Inform us if any medications are being taken.

Our male fertility test includes:

  1. Prolactin: Prolactinoma occurs when your brain overproduces prolactin hormone. The major effect is decreased levels of testosterone in men. Possible outcomes include erectile dysfunction, decreased body, and facial hair, and enlarged breasts (gynecomastia) in some cases.
  1. Luteinizing Hormone: Stimulates the production of testosterone from Leydig cells in the testes. Testosterone, in turn, stimulates sperm production and helps accentuate male characteristics — like a deep voice or growth of facial hair.
  2. Follicle Stimulating Hormone: Stimulates testicular growth and helps produce a protein that plays a vital role in male fertility by aiding in the creation of normal sperm cells and maintaining them until they are ready to be released. Without normal FSH levels, it may be difficult or impossible to create normal sperm.
  3. Testosterone, Total: Key male sex hormone that regulates fertility, muscle mass, fat distribution, and red blood cell production.
  4. Semen Analysis 

The main glands that produce hormones in men are:

  • Hypothalamus — The hypothalamus is responsible for body temperature, hunger, moods and the release of hormones from other glands; and also controls thirst, sleep and sex drive.
  • Parathyroid — This gland controls the amount of calcium in the body.
  • Thymus — Plays a role in the function of the adaptive immune system and the maturity of the thymus, and produces T-cells.
  • Pancreas — Produces the insulin that helps control blood sugar levels.
  • Thyroid — Produces hormones associated with calorie burning and heart rate.
  • Adrenal — Produce the hormones that control sex drive and cortisol, the stress hormone.
  • Pituitary — Controls other glands and makes the hormones that trigger growth.
  • Pineal — Also called the thalamus, this gland produces serotonin derivatives of melatonin, which affects sleep.
  • Testes — Produce the male sex hormone, testosterone, and produce sperm.

Male hormones affect everything from fertility and sex drive to emotional regulation and muscle mass (or lack thereof), just like female hormones do. However, while women have a month-long hormonal cycle (averaging at about 28-days but sometimes lasting as long as 35 days), males go through a hormonal cycle every 24 hours.

This causes more rapid changes in the hormonal landscape of your body and an imbalance could lead to problems like obesity, excess stress, exhaustion, irritability, and a lowered libido. In turn, all of these issues can have a significant impact on your ability to produce enough healthy sperm to fertilize an egg.

Booking Procedure

For more details on the program, please click on the program.

Male Fertility Test

Luteinizing Hormone
Follicle Stimulating Hormone
Testosterone , Total
Semen Analysis

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