

Comprehensive Female Checkup


Reservation Deposit : HK$200/Person

Comprehensive Female Checkup

Price: $6980

Check up Location:

Check Up Date :

2/5, 7/5, 8/5, 9/5, 10/5,

14/5, 16/5, 17/5,

21/5, 22/5, 23/5, 24/5,

28/5, 29/5, 30/5, 31/5

Check Up  Date:

3/5, 6/5, 13/5, 20/5, 27/5, 31/5

Once your order has been placed, our staff will contact you for location details. 

Comprehensive Female Health Check includes :

✔️Pap Smear 

✔️Ultrasound of Pelvis 

✔️Ultrasound of Breasts

✔️HPV DNA Genotyping (Includes 18 high-risk types & 17 low-risk types) 

✔️Hereditary Genetic Cancer Screening: Breast Cancer, Ovarian cancer

✔️Conducted by a female doctor / female medical staff. 


1. Add HK$199 for a Health check package.

Offer only available for purchase when booking Basic, Advanced, OR Comprehensive Female checkups. Please state “add HK$199 check-up” in the additional information column when checking out.

2. Add HK$1000 to upgrade to a Whole Abdomen Ultrasound.

Please state “upgrade $1000 for a whole abdomen ultrasound” in the additional information column when checking out.

Hereditary Genetic Cancer Screening is very useful because : 

  • Inherited genetic mutations play a major role in about 5 to 10 % of all cancers.
  • It can show whether family members without obvious disease have inherited the same mutation as a family member who carries a cancer-associated mutation.
  • One test for a lifetime.
  • Accuracy rate of 99.9%
  • Only requires a peripheral blood sample of 5ml
  • For BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 mutations, there’s a 50% chance of being passed on to their offspring

For more information on our Hereditary Genetic Cancer Screening program, please click here.

Why do you need this check up?

Female medical health check up can prevent cancer. According to WHO, Breast cancer is the number one killer among other cancers for women, just 2018 the number of deaths is 626, 679 worldwide. Ovary and Cervical related cancers also ranked in the top 10 most fatal cancers, killing 184, 799 and 311, 365 people respectively. It is crucial to conduct regular female check ups to prevent cancers and other illnesses.

For more information on World Cancer Statistics from WHO, please click here.

Pap Smear

A cervical smear (pap smear) is a screening test for detecting early abnormal changes in the cervix. It involves collecting cells from your cervix , which is located at the lower part of the uterus (womb) and the top of the vagina.

This procedure can detect cervical cancer at an early stage and give a greater chance of cure.  Detecting abnormal cells is a crucial first step in stopping the possible outcome of cervical cancer.

If left untreated, these pre-cancerous cells may evolve into cervical cancer over five to ten years. Women with pre-cancerous lesions do not have symptoms. Cervical screening aims to prevent cervical cancer by detecting and treating these abnormalities. Treatment of pre-cancerous lesions has a cure rate that is close to 100%.

Booking Procedure

For more details on the program, please click check-up items.

For more details on the program, please click check up item.

Comprehensive Female Health Check

Pap Smear
Ultrasound of Pelvis
Ultrasound of Breasts
HPV DNA Genotyping (Includes 18 high-risk types & 17 low-risk types)
Hereditary Genetic Cancer Screening: Breast Cancer, Ovarian cancer

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