

Supreme Health Check


Reservation Deposit: HK$200


Supreme Health Check

Includes Cancer Cell Monitor Plan (Retail Price: $29800). Click for details.

體 檢查 優惠

Booking Procedure

For more details on the program, please click on the program.

Cancer Risk Assessment

Step 1: With a peripheral blood sample of 10ml, the assessment covers the stability trend of 50 genes and 2800 mutations connected to solid cancers.
Step 2: The doctor will go through the report with you.
Step 3: If any cell mutation related to cancer is identified, our medical team will design a personal treatment program and repair the mutated cells.
**However, if you are diagnosed with cancer, please seek further medical care immediately. This test can show where the cancer cells are located, which can help you make your next medical decision.

Physical Examination

Blood Pressure, Pulse, Weight, Height, BMI, Colour Vision, Distant Vision

Blood Analysis

Complete Blood Count

Pulmonary Study

Chest X-Ray

Cardiovascular Risk Screening

Cholesterol, Total
Cholesterol, HDL
Cholesterol, LDL (Calculated)
Lipids, Total
Cholesterol, VLDL (Calculated)
Cholesterol, Total/HDL ratio
Resting ECG

Liver Function Screening

Gamma Glutamyl Transferase (GGT)
Bilirubin, Total
Alkaline Phosphatase
Albumin/Globulin Ratio (A/G Ratio)
Protein, Total

Hepatitis Screening

Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAG)
Hepatitis B Surface Antibody (HBsAb)
Hepatitis A Virus Antibody, IgG (HAV IgG Ab)

Renal Function Screening


Gout Screening

Uric Acid

Thyroid Function Screening

Free T4

Diabetes Screening

Glucose (Fasting)
Haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c)

Bone Metabolism

Phosphorus, Inorganic

Urine Examination

Urine Routine

Cancer Marker

Alpha – Feto Protein (AFP)
Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA)
EBV DNA Ebeasy (Qualitative)

For Men Only

Ultrasound of Whole Abdomen
Prostatic Specifc Antigen, Total

For Women Only

Ultrasound of Breasts
Ultrasound of Whole Abdomen
Cancer Antigen 125

Report Explanation

Our doctor will go through the report with you.

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